Jan 2025: Here’s a podcast interview I did with David Sloan Wilson, an American author, professor, and thinker, it’s called ‘Curing Economics’ Addiction to Unreal Theories’.
Jan 2025: A French TV discussion show on BFM TV aired a debat between Christian Chavagneux, editor of the magazine Alternatives Économiques and Jean-Marc Daniel, professor at ESCP Business School on Ricardo’s Dream. Click for the video in French or for a summary on Bluesky in English.
Dec 2024: Here’s an inteview I did with Henry Leveson-Gower from The Mint Magazine from December 2024 (disclaimer: I worked for Henry with his organisation Promoting Economic Pluralism a few years ago).
Nov 2024: An interview with Jess Miles from the Transforming Society podcast (part of Bristol University Press family) – audio only
Nov 2024: To mark the publication of Ricardo’s Dream: How Economists Forgot the Real World and Led Us Astray, I’ve recorded 14 short videos (each lasting around 2 minutes) on various aspects of the book. They can all be accessed on YouTube.
This is an introduction to why I wrote the book:
And, this is another one that uses a famous drawing of Isaac Newton by William Blake to explain how mainstream economics of the past few decades has made real, important things disappear from the mind’s eye:
All 14 videos can be found on this YouTube playlist.
2015: An old Channel 4 News broadcast on Virunga National Park and the British oil company Soco International, where I’m interviewed briefly: